
Easyflow. Safety, comfort and accuracy

Easyflow is the only fully soft elastomeric infusion system for drug administration.
It is used for the continuous infusion via intravenous, intra-arterial, epidural or subcutaneous routes according to the specific clinical protocol.
It may be used for the following treatments: chemotherapy, acute and chronic pain therapy, chelation therapy, antibiotic and antiviral drug therapy.
Easyflow combines safety, lightness and reliability.
Thanks to the design and the materials (UV-Ray resistant, DEHP Free, Latex Free), it is a discreet disposable, comfortable and accurate.
All this means maximumpatient safety and satisfaction.
Easyflow means 100% quality and safety.
Every single device is tested (flow rate, leackage, packaging) to guarantee perfection and comfort during the treatment.
Easyflow complies to the ISO 28620 norm (what is it?).

Medical products

The new needle free valves
The range of Adriamed products is enriched by the NEEDLE FREE access valve for intravenous administration of fluids. Suitable for all intravenous infusion procedures.
Lesions due to needle punctures are very frequent with workers in the health sector. The Adriamed needle free devices, in addition to considerably reducing the risk of lesions from needles, allow for a safe and closed-circuit connection. The flat surface on the Luer connection point allows for easy cleaning and disinfecting.
Allows for Luer lock or Luer slip connections.

Our resources are at your service, according to your needs.

Adriamed has made of its technical-productive capacity and its continuous strategic choice of innovation, a fundamental cornerstone which has brought it to marketing the offer of a vast range of medical systems and a service which, for critical processes such as Ethylene oxide sterilization, is capable of satisfying the requirements of the most demanding client.

Research and development of specific applications, flexibility, widespread personalization of the product, united with the production process which carries raw materials through to sterilization, and after-sales service, all make up Adriamed’s points of strength.

Over time, Adriamed has continuously improved the features of their products, ensuring conformity with the most restrictive of those standards which govern production in the medical sector.

Last News

The new brand of the leading group in infusion medical devices.
During MEDICA-COMPAMED, the most important world fair dedicated to biomedical products in the world, (Düsseldorf – Germany 13-16 November), Delta Med, together with all the companies of the group, will present the new brand: Numantec.

Delta Med and Adria Med announce a strategic partnership to strengthen themselves in the infusion systems market.
The Group will have the size and organization necessary to become a leader at an Italian and European level in the medical device sector.

Adrimed will join the prestigious Arab Health 2022 Fair at the World Trade Center in Dubai.
Come to meet us from 24 to 27 January at booth Z2K15.

Visit our booth at the Düsseldorf International Medicine Fair, one of the most important forums in the world market for technology and medical devices, from 15 to 18 November. Hall 11 – Stand 11F42. Medica

Adriamed Entered the Hall of Fame of the most competitive and reliable companies in Italy. Chosen from among 850,000 Italian companies for its recognized competitiveness, reliability and sustainability, the company wins the Industria Felix 2021 award for Abruzzo as the “best company in the province of Pescara for management performance and financial reliability”. The Budgetary Performance High Honor is conferred by Industria Felix Magazine in collaboration with Luiss Guido Carli University, Cerved Group SpA, Confindustria, Il Sole 24 Ore.

Visita il nostro stand in una delle vetrine più importanti dell’industria del medical devices. Dal 12 al 14 Aprile 2016 a Stoccarda. Stand 5G38.

Medtec Europa riunisce aziende di dispositivi medici e fornitori di tecnologie avanzate per discutere e condividere le ultime evoluzioni dei prodotti, la ricerca e le innovazioni nel settore sanitario.


La nostra azienda è giunta al 25° anno di attività e vogliamo rivolgere un pensiero a coloro che hanno preso parte alla sua storia. Sono stati 25 anni di impegno e responsabilità, con un’attenzione costante a qualità, tecnologia e innovazione, nella consapevolezza che la soddisfazione del cliente è la migliore ricompensa per il nostro lavoro quotidiano. Vogliamo considerare questo anniversario una tappa del percorso che abbiamo intrapreso, convinti che ce ne saranno ancora molte altre da raggiungere, con lo stesso entusiasmo e la stessa dedizione che ci hanno motivato fin dagli inizi.
Un ringraziamento speciale va a voi che in questi anni avete creduto nella nostra azienda e ad ogni persona che ha reso possibile il raggiungimento di questo importante traguardo.

La nostra azienda ha ottenuto da IMQ la Dichiarazione di conformità alla norma ISO 11135-1:2020 per il processo di sterilizzazione ad Ossido di Etilene.

Si tratta di un altro importante traguardo nel cammino del miglioramento continuo intrapreso dall’organizzazione, teso principalmente a dimostrare l’efficacia e la sicurezza dei prodotti e dei processi aziendali nel rispetto delle norme applicabili.

Il moderno laboratorio aziendale è attrezzato per effettuare controlli visivi al microscopio ottico, prove tecnologiche e biologiche.
Tutte le apparecchiature sono di recente acquisizione e sottoposte a regolari controlli e taratura.
I termostati del laboratorio assicurano il mantenimento della temperatura impostata nei range di accettazione per l’effettuazione delle prove e per la conservazione di terreni di coltura e tester chimici/biologici..

Tra le prove tecnologiche al momento figurano:

– prove di tenuta all’aria su sacche in pvc per soluzioni infusionali e sacche sangue (anche autoclavate a 121°C);
– prove di caduta di pressione (tenuta) su sets e relativi componenti;
– prove di stress-cracking su tubi con controllo visivo al microscopio ottico;
– prove di deflusso.
– prove di velocità e stabilità di flusso per pompe elastomeriche a temperatura controllata

Our products

Infusion: Intravenous lines / Drips / Lines with straight extensions / Lines with spiral extensions / Three way steps and taps / Extensions in PVC / Extensions in PVC DEHP FREE / Extensions in PUR / Caps with extension / Medicinal caps / Drillable caps / Caps with needle free access / Specialised products / Infusion accessories / Easyflow® elastomeric pumps – Oncology: Lines for administration / Lines for preparation / Spikes / Accessories – Single use procedural kits: General surgery / Obstetrics and Gynaecology / Ophthalmology / Paediatrics / Orthopaedics / Neuro-surgery – PVC bags: Empty bags for blood / Empty bags for physiological solutions / Bags for urine collection – Medical tubing: Medical tubing in PVC / Tubing in DEHP FREE medical PVC / Tubing in medical polyurethane (PUR) / Tubing in polyethylene / Spiral tubing / Capillary micro-tubing

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